This is the link to a Will Holder interview, main editor of FR DAVID. I link it with the idea of rest because it frees us from having to produce anything new and allow us to focus on modes of publication. I also think his concern about “designing (…) situations where language or say knowledge can be passed on” is relevant as well.

In this other webpage there is information relating to the exhibition "The Malady of Writing" that is associated to that interview. I have tried to upload here as a pdf but it does not work on "public mode". However if you go back to edit mode the pdf reappears. conversation between Will Holder and Stuart Bailey
Stuart Bailey's publications would actually be interesting to check for N&S. His hits are Tourette's and Dot Dot Dot. Will check them at Macba's museum.
A piece by Will Holder + Stuart Bailey. Interesting how two graphic designers get tired of printed matter and feel the need to get into performance.
«Tout le malheur des hommes vient d’une seule chose, qui est de ne savoir pas demeurer en repos, dans une chambre» Blaise Pascal
SEMINARI: «No Fer» a càrrec de Luz Broto
"Not doing" seminar by Luz Broto

More references:
L'Oisiveté, lettre philosophique de Sénèque
Une apologie des oisifs, Robert Louis Stevenson (1877)
Le droit à la paresse (1887) Paul Lafargue
La Paresse comme vérité effective de l'homme, Kazimir Malevitch (15 février 1921)
L'Apologie de la paresse, Clément Pansaers (1921)
In Praise of Idleness (1932) Bertrand Russell
En 1974, Georges Moustaki chanson intitulée Le Droit à la paresse.
Samuel Johnson, The Idler (1758-1760).
Tom Hodgkinson, L'art d'être oisif dans un monde de dingue, (2004).
Claire Fontaine, "La grève humaine" (2020)
David Graeber "Bullshit jobs" (2018)

Paul Virilio, against constant acceleration

And also different takes on accelerationism
"Le silence et l'inaction! Peu d'hommes arrivent à comprendre leur efficacité"

"Il brille parce qu'il ne s'exhibe pas. Il croît constamment parce qu'il ne se pousse pas" Lao Tsé, Tao-Teh-King
Anne Boyer "Poetic Nonaction"
John Dewey- F.M. Alexander-Benjamin Libet see "Thinking through the Body" Shusterman p.63